Academic Writing Workshop

Writing Scientifically
Enhance your research by communicating with clarity, precision, and simplicity.

In this workshop, we will be introducing you to the key components to write a scientific research paper suitable for publication in peer-reviewed journals. We will cover the writing mechanics of the overall outline and organization of the information to be included in your research paper. In addition, we will help you to understand how your paper can be crafted by using sources not just for citations, but also as a tool that provides context and helps elucidate the relevance of your own research.

The course will include key elements of word choice and grammar that are common throughout academic writing, especially for researchers for whom English is a second language.
Finally, we will help you to craft impactful conclusions to your paper that not just summarize the key points in the paper, but also provide a strong basis of the future research directions for your own research as well as that of your peers.

  • 하리스코 약정대학현황
  • "학술논문교정 실적 세계1위, 국내 100여개 대학약정, 500여개 학회약정"

상호:주식회사 아이케이엔씨 | 사업자등록번호:597-81-01671 | 통신판매업 신고번호:제 2010-경기의정부-0649호 | 의장 김무진
주소 : 서울시 강남구 강남대로 320 (역삼동, 황화빌딩 1108호)   /   PHONE : 82-2-557-1810~1   /   FAX :82-31-851-0752
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